Monday, December 30, 2013

A must have toolkit for every outdoor enthusiast: climber, hiker, off-road driver. All the essential tools for navigation are combined seamlessly in one app. 

Both GPS and Compass are displayed on the map with a high precision grid. Accuracy (±) is indicated to check signal quality or magnetic interference. 

Current altitude is displayed with accuracy (±) in GPS mode. 

UTM Coordinates 
WGS84/NAD83 UTM coordinates are displayed in real time and in map browsing mode (click Location button). 

MAGNETIC Declination 
Current magnetic declination (∆) for the entire world using World Magnetic Model (WMM). A must have feature for those that use a physical compass as well. 

MAP Browsing 
Map browsing with Latitude/Longitude or UTM coordinates for the entire world. 

MAP Grid 
High precision grid combined with predefined scale values for both metric and feet/miles (click Scale button)

Support email: maptoolapp (at)